Accident of birth confers no opportunity to any of us as to when ,where or what circumstance we enter the world. Most of us develop an arrogant and bigoted attitude toward others which differ from us. We expound with great pride our superior accident of birth. We believe in our superior difference form the great unwashed masses: a categorical difference right down to neighborhood.These differences are so numerous, how is one not able to believe these premises truths? We segregate and imprison ourselves with physical and mental symbols to erase accident of birth.
Geneticist prove that we have 93/95 % genes in common with Chimpanzees and 2 /5 % genes in common which we carry today with Neanderthal Man. These accidents of birth came over on the Mayflower as well as all immigrants, all indigene peoples with one exception. Those sub Sirrah people and their descendants in any country in the world today , no gene marker for Neanderthal Man..
Arrogance and bigotry crutch our symbolic delusion of superiority.
[ Dressing for an award dinner , check in the mirror how thick is your brow ]
Accidental ,chance, physical or mental negative human mutation a biological phenomenon;a human gene pool
in which we all are subject to its consequence. Born into a negative social environment results from lack of moral concern and/or exploitation of others. One's position in society indicate the degree of no moral concern for others. Society's charity rest on hypocritical projection bordering on psychopathology.
It an't no accident of birth. It is man made !
[ " What a piece of work is a man ! How noble in reason ! How infinite in faculties ! In form and moving, how express and admirable ! In action how like an angle ! In apprehension, how like a god ! The beauty of the world ! The paragon of animals ! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust "? ------- Hamlet, in Shakespeare's Hamlet
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