2016 Electorate; Orwellian Candidate engenders hubris reality. "2+2=5 Big Brother Ministry of Truth.,Doublethink." "Squealer,a pig with the ability to persuade other animals that the pigs are always moral and correct in their decisions." Who could imagine an Orwellian novel and candidate contest 2016 presidential election,not I. We the people not able to see though the thin veil of the Wizard of Oz. We are told that what we see and hear or reason is false,doublethink is the new reality.Any dissenting sound argument is false and unpatriotic. We are to embrace self delusion,be angry, and express our base emotions. This Orwellian candidate has bigger brain than the Wizard of Oz,we know it so because the Orwellian candidate says it is so.The Orwellian candidate is the depository of all truth and all knowing. We are asked to support and vote this Orwellian candidate that we may live in the Orwellian reality and be smart like our Orwellian president.Not as smart,some are more equal than others,so it must be so about intelligence.Before you vote or support this candidate you will not have to have your IQ tested,reason and common sense will do.
{to be continued}